Sunday 10 March 2013

au revoir shabbat

so long shabbat. one of the longest tractates of the talmud.

we've gone from the definitions of carrying to defining what is an object, a vessel, clothing, domains, weights and measures, utility and the untouchable that has no use on shabbat.

we've met angels and demons. learnt of healings and cures that seem strange and a little crazy. heard stories of revelation and destruction. and snakes. there have been a lot of snakes.

it has been less about a day of rest and more about how to define different types of work. to make distinctions and categories within the world and how to be mindful of those differences.

it has been fascinating. and at times a little tiresome. there has been A LOT about carrying. which no doubt will continue with eruvin.

but for now, we bid mesechat shabbat farewell. until we meet again


  1. Jacqueline:
    Kudos (I guess Kol ha Kavod would be more appropriate) on this blog. You have made every day of study more enjoyable.
    Well done!

  2. thanks Jeff! good to have you on-board for this journey.
