Friday 21 June 2013

goodbye eruvin....

Eruvin began with defining a doorway, looking to different doorways within the Mikdash, temple to determine the definitions of the archetype door. And Eruvin ends with who should enter different domains of the temple in order to remove sources of impurity.

entering and exiting the temple. and in-between the discussion in Eruvin has been involved with defining domains, boundaries, thresholds and structures. How to share  domains and resources with neighbours in order to live together in the world, starting and finishing with the Temple, the place where God dwells in the world.

So goodbye Eruvin. it's been interesting in parts, tedious in others, and very very repetitive.

there have been many times when I thought I needed to stop this crazy project. I fell behind a day or 2, and the quality varied hugely, some drawings were definitely better then others. There were interesting discussions about defining domains and boundaries, with fascinating insights into how people lived and formed neighbourhoods. But a lot of the discussions were tedious and repetitive... many was the time over the last couple of months I wondered why I was bothering doing this. But doing this strange activity of daf yomi, learning a page of Talmud a day, has become part of my daily routine. The debates and ideas from the day's page sit with me as I go through my day. and after Eruvin, I will never look at courtyards, alleyways, houses, etc in quite the same way. 


  1. you're awesome.... don't give up... love all of these...


    1. thank you for your encouragements. really appreciate it. - Jaq

  2. Keep it up! I love this! This is the most creative and interesting take on the Daf I have ever seen. Please continue... hopefully you can convert this into a book someday!

    Your work and thoughts are beautiful. Thank you!

    1. oh thank you! it is really great to hear that people are getting something out of this. as for it becoming a book someday.... who knows... could be interesting.... thank you so much for contacting me with your words of support. v encouraging.

  3. You have inspired me to want to do the same! How awesome this is and I also love your thoughts and honesty. Beautiful and soulful. Thank you!!

    1. thank you so much for leaving a comment. and happy that you are inspired to do something similar - go for it! enter the craziness....
