Thursday, 25 April 2013

coming to new york

just to let you know that I will be speaking at Lincoln Square Synagogue on the shabbat 4th May.

shabbat morning, after musaf, will be a conversation between myself and the artist and art critic Richard McBee about our art practise and engagement with traditional Jewish texts.

shabbat afternoon, 6:20pm - I will be speaking about this project, Draw Yomi. All of my daf yomi sketchbooks will be on display. These contain my notes and drawings since the beginning of this cycle, from way back in Brachot... So if you have been curious about my learning process and want to see the drawings up close, this is a rare opportunity that they are out of my studio and you can look through the original artwork.

later in the evening (approx 7:40pm), at seudah shelishit - "the third meal", I will speak about my omer drawings. thinking about the journey we make from pesach to shavuot by making an account of the small things we carry with us from day to day, almost without thinking.

hope you can make it. these events are free and there is no need to book, so stop by to say hello.

Lincoln Square Synagogue is on the UWS, Manhattan,  at 180 Amsterdam Ave.